Friday, August 17, 2012

"Paws" & Think

 In staying with my purple theme, I also found these cool paws.  I tried a lot of jobs last year which was way too much trouble, so at the end of the year- I finally came up with two jobs that my students really loved.  I have a Super Line-Up Leader who is in charge of leading the line and picking the line-up song.     I also have a Teacher's Pet who holds the door, passes out soap at lunch, takes the lunch count, and is actually the Teacher's Pet all day long.  They get to do everything!  I just have the boys' names on one ring, and the girls' names on the other.  I switch them once everyone has had a turn.  It is so EASY!  This year, I also added the necklaces that are shown below.  They love wearing their own tags each day, and honestly, they are even keeping them really clean.  They hang them back on the wall before going outside.  They are very responsible with them!
 I have also carried my "Paws" theme into our vocabulary words for the week.  The kids look for Paws (Pause) words everywhere all week long.  They get so excited when they find them, and they say, "We have to Pause- I found a Paws word!"  We are only eight days into the year, and this idea took off pretty well.  I love these purple paws!

1 comment:

  1. You have such great ideas!! I'm happy to be a new follower- stop by sometime :)

    The Learning Tree
