Sunday, March 4, 2012

Yuck Soup

This was such a wonderful idea that I borrowed from another blog that I just love... First Grader...At Last. She has the best ideas ever!  So, we used this for a fun activity to think of words with /ck/ in them.  My children had so much fun, and it has stayed up in the room for awhile because they love using it for Write-the-Room activities and just to read it for fun.  It is funny how many times we will be learning something in the room and a word with the /ck/ sound in it will come up in our conversation...the children always glance at the wall to see if we included it in our soup!  It is probably one of my favorite anchor charts!


  1. Juat found your blog, it looks great. My daughter's favorite color is purple too.
    I am your newest follower!

  2. So cute! I love it and your cute purple blog...and we all need lots of prayers! =)

    Heather's Heart
